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CEICnet Vision

  To become a competitive management centre for entrepreneurship development, graduate employability, industry and community network


 CEICnet Mission

  • To broaden and strengthen UniMAP stakeholder engagements and networks
  • To produce exemplary and holistic individuals who contributed to the development of UniMAP and stakeholder


 CEICnet Objective

  • To empower UniMAP and stakeholder through student job placement

  • To nurture and inspire UniMAP its stakeholder in practising human values
  • To enhance, promote and link student careers through entrepreneurship, industry and community networking


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- Proof of industrial network
- The MoU does not involve finances
- MoA involves finances
- Part of UniMAP 2025 and MyRA
- The process involves a compliance committee
- Highest approval by LPU
- Implementation involves periodic monitoring

MoU / MoA Activity:
- The total MoU / MoA from 2003-2019 is 56 CIGC Annual Report References.
- The target of 2021 is 20 MoA investigations